Is it possible to work together?

Is it possible to work together?

flageag9Far be it from me but it appears that there is a very unique situation that exists in political Washington D.C. I am not even going to try and attempt to mention when the last time the Republican party held all facets of the government. Republicans definitely got the edge in the House as well as any edge they ever needed in the Senate and add to that the Presidency!

One would think that this is the time that ‘politically’ Republicans would be going for anything and virtually everything that has been denied them through the extremes of the Democrat party. Say for instance, that the Republicans of the state of California wanted some get back for having voted to ban same-sex marriage than through a court the judges decided “Nah” forget the referendum and initiative bit called out there, Propositions.

Or in another instance, the people of the same state want some issue for the immigration165px-sen_mitch_mcconnell_official_cropped falsities that have been going on. Again, “Nah” not the American way. So, let’s put together the gang of eight; subsequently, the worst four Senators in the Republican party! So please, someone please help me out here, okay? What has this man Mitch McConnell done for you or me or the country lately other than vote for what Obama wanted; moreover, vote for the guy who has given the Chinese (ergo, the entire Southeastern Asian populace) the greatest advantage known in the US or world history?


What has John McCain with legitimacy done for the US lately? It sure as heck is not his Senate seat! Let’s just go from memory, shall we? Clinton, William “Bill” was known to have allowed certain Top-Secret codes to get into Chinese hands. McCain was a senator then. Arizona is a great state that befell a lot when Obama was in office. McCain was a senator then too! So outside of being a POW when does he start working for the USA?

Funny thing about the names mentioned so far and furthermore now as well. What the

graham McCain

McCain and (R) Graham

heck has Sen. Lindsey Graham done for this nation? He also was a gang of eight members who had it not been for a couple of other senators in the same region cutting him down a peg or two actually voted for amnesty for the illegals.

All things being equal, I have not seen nor experienced albeit through television or reading that any of these loyal Republicans have done to at least assist President Trump.

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Former FBI

Even in word, like “nice job chief.” As far as I am concerned, there is a lot of noise coming from the bowels of the swamp. So people, shut them up. Not a word about tearing and ripping the history of the US apart, just keep on, keeping on and collude with the FBI, special interest groups, and the thought that not one of you will do anything to better off our country. If so, I am here all year and waiting for your responses.
