This blogs for the writer…

This blogs for the writer…

imagesCAJK81ZEOkay, I am more interested in sort of journalizing but the opportunity to do this on my very own blog allows me to share with some of those who may or may not have the same understandings as I do given the material in question. I will openly admit that I may be taking some of this chaotic writing from another’s site and I will do my absolute best to attribute the contents to those who have written them.

My first number one issue is with those who are caught red-handedly breaking the law and although if it were any of us reading or sitting in the audience, we would be mortgaging the house in legal fees or sitting in some bankruptcy court giving it all away – yet, for most of us, depending on the crimes committed would be counting down the days until we see, feel, and touch our loved ones again.


Apologize? For what…’you’?

I have a real problem with Hillary Rodham Clinton at the moment. This lady shown by the actions she has committed should be sitting in jail or heck, in the penitentiary right now as I type. But NO! The powers that be – and please forgive me if I am wrong – but the “powers that be” are those individuals who have at one time been a director of the FBI, or a Congressional official, or an ex-president for that matter. Yet I am of the feeling that they have talked and said, “Well the old lady is going to die real soon, so let’s go the uncomplicated way out.”

How many different ways can a person say and or mean bull squat? I firmly believe that there is not an adjustment for age. If one does the crime, then one does the time. No, if, and’s, or butts about it.

Just today I was looking up information on life-expectancy. Did you know that a male has a life expectancy of 84.5 years! Whoa! So, if you don’t mind a person who is 80 years old should do the time expected for the crime. No breaks!

sydney-spiesNext number two issue. We certainly hear or see plenty of women alleging that so and so man physically assaulted her with the intent of sexual molestation. The demanding thing for me is that the amount of time since the actual alleged occurrence and the actual time that these “ladies” are coming forward is overwhelming. Well then, maybe it has something to do with what the male has earned himself. Whew! One may not want to become the President of the US or have the money that Mr. Cosby had or has. And please do not write in and tell me that a female wanting to gain celebrity status or to become a star didn’t know what was going on.

Tell me, what reasonably attractive “lady” hangs out, parties, bff-paris-hilton-and-kim-kardashianhas dinner, and assuredly goes to the home of a huge (both – in body size and bank account) Hollywood or New York producer? Absolutely none. When a nice and young soon to be starlet gets asked out by anyone resembling the Weinstein effect, wherein a person files a sexual assault charge because a person has gained prominence, wealth, and notoriety. This misnomer about this “Weinstein Effect” is when it comes to politics. President Trump has been fingered by a real professional filmmaker, producer, sex star, writer, and whatever else comes into the pornography industry.

Yet, back to the Next number two issue is where is a male #MeTooMovement? Speaking simply has any man reading this ever been assaulted by a woman? How about raped? And if so, please explain what happened during your trial.


Just a bit TIRED of “the Good Guy”?

Just a bit TIRED of “the Good Guy”?

Map and Scope_1It has become very apparent to me that the United States is trying to run – viewed by the world as well as at home – a three-fold operation here or what others may equate as a multiple caste system fraudulent class division schemes.

Allow me to explain, please. America, in her earliest era, was viewed as a New World that basically wanted to emulate the ancient city-states of Greece and Rome. That the notion of operation was to a great degree that of Judeo-Christian belief.

It would be very difficult, almost impossible for anyone to disagree or debate on this topic. I mean seriously here folks, just have a look at Americas earliest founding documents and letters of correspondence. What is more regardless of the part of the world one came from they nonetheless assimilated through the society as a show of respect? No one is alleging that Eastern Europeans or Italians, or Germans, English, Scandinavians, Poles, French, African, or Northwestern Europeans had to try to change their ways, but they did and to a good degree. They did it out of respect for those who already lived here as well as they were part of the New World as well.

Well, it is time for us ALL now who have adopted the USA as our new home to stand up and tell our Congressional officials what it is that we want and to STOP playing us like inbred fools.

There comes a time in every individual’s life that we must come to turns with the ideology of “NO.” After all, in our present case, it would be of the highly esteemed thing to do. Now I could go on and ON about this saying NO, but let’s just stick to the easiest basics.

kirpan_smallAmerica is on the “Most Needed” immigration policy perhaps in the world.Contrary to what politicians are trying to tell anyone of us America has never had an “Immigration Policy.” Oh a few rules here and there, but nothing of substance. Heck, during the late 1850s through the 1860s sure there was a famine going on.

However, more to the point, there was also a devastating time in America’s history called “the War between the States.” It was also during this time when more than 7-million Irish folks jumped aboard and two weeks later more of them were wearing the Union battle gear. Imagine heading for a fresh start and you were abducted into the Union Army whilst your wives were serving the drunk men who didn’t have to serve.

Pharm signNope, no one was turning those ships back or around. So, let’s move on to the Opioid Crisis, shall we? So, what did all of you think when the supply of massively expensive and for some, good drugs got so cheap they were being accosted in the grocery stores, pubs, clubs, heck at Saturday’s ball game to buy some? We all know that it takes the connections of Pablo Escobar to obtain that much of an oversupply. Sure, the dealers have assistance – government assistance.

Afghanistan’s number one national product is poppies. Being in the center of the “Golden Triangle” never hurt their business. But isn’t it fabulous how great the poppies grow in the Southern hemisphere of Colombia, Brazil, and of course, the valleys of Mexico?

Now, please ask me why I state, “careful how you give automatic refugee or asylum-seeking status too, it is actually called “Protected Status.” But wait! They need to have their entire families here so start issuing those visas in racks of three or four. And what about so and so’s nephew who just happened to have his meager wages invested in the land?

I want to continue, yet I cannot. We have all got to meet at the table to learn how to speak real English. Let’s start with the word NO!

Arden V

Would or could someone tell me what a U.S. Senator does?


Would or could someone tell me what a U.S. Senator does?

 I believe, with extraordinary support, that the “chamber” in this nation we refer to as the Senate is a worthless group of people who have sold their bill of goods to someone who actually bought them.  So, please join in with me and assist me even more with what it is exactly that this “chamber” of people do for you, the nation, or for anything or anyone.

Trying to be as diligent as possible, yet at the same time wanting to be as gentle and straight forward as I can be, I will openly admit that I have been around a few years. I certainly am not saying that I am old – because I am not. If I look at the scriptures to come to a reasonable figure pursuant to my own age – I would say that I have acquired wisdom, and that feature is based on what I have learned, and by far the most important ingredient that unites the three-fold accumulation of age – scripturally – is found in the ability to discern the understanding.

And this notion or idea my friends is where the obstacle or obstruction gave that “chamber” that is so coveted in our nation. Frankly, I believed the entire process of becoming the U.S. sitting Senator, is literally an amount of bull squat that one promises and hopes to accomplish. I certainly do not want to think that I live in this kind of a mess, but the reality is, that I do.

My own personal belief is that the selling process (for the vote), in order to become a senator, lies with the relationship that a person has with their local government. This is where the most fundamental promise can be dreamt up and delivered to an ever-so-hungry person. Special favors as in cash and other sundries along with pork or money can be made for the promise of bridge building, road maintenance, and other amenities delivered to the community. I firmly believe that promises within the failing educational system are made. Therefore, as it may be if a senator is able to siphon off enough funding for in and around “their” constituency, well, far more the better.

Moreover, now let’s address the big-time office space that holds the lobbyists and special interest groups. Not many people are privy to the notion that the National Council of La Raza, the largest group of individuals pushing for Immigration Reform like the normal person asks for salvation. Most people do not know that La Raza receives funding from the U.S. government for alleging to assist immigrants. Notice, that I say immigrants and not illegal immigrants! First by their filing with the IRS having to do with a not for profit status entity, as well as petitioning the government for more funding pursuant to what they allege that their organization does.

Now then, what do you suppose a U.S. Senator or House Representative receives if they are successful in fundraising (sort of off the books) for a special interest group? Hum.

Now what has gotten me to a spill the beans attitude nowadays is this, how does an organization with an 8 percent approval rating even get invited to dinner by the organization?  Now I openly share with you that I personally have been promised a wall to assist our border patrol for in excess of 20 years to keep it in reality – basically since 1996. And although I have paid my fair share for that wall, it still isn’t there. Facial recognition apparatus? Another unfulfilled promise. These U.S. “Senators” have waffled back and forth on integrating the E-Verify program, as well as the community assistance between local law enforcement with federal agency back-up, support, and assistance referred to as Section 287g federal assistance.

Take the fundamental learning of what has not been done that was supposed to, Section 287g, E-Verify programs, biological recognition programs, ending rather than accumulating more visas, and simply understanding that this is entirely a close held joking secret that their make untold scores of money on, and just let your wisdom run with this one gang – we are being taken by an eight percent approval rating group of misfits with fat double chins and hanging joules making their insider trading money and on, and on, ad nauseam.

Arden V

Has Anyone even taken into Consideration..?

Has Anyone even taken into Consideration..?

King What it is that I am referring to is the inadvertent (we hope) mistake of reenactment of the peculiar institution that although was prevalent in the Southern portion of the USA, nonetheless of reparations, welfare reform after reform, making societal changes, and as ugly as it is — has anyone seen the new proposal document released by the Black Lives Matter movement?

I do hope that nobody reading this article assumes for an instant that the colonists as well as the slave traders who virtually made and installed the peculiar institution could have found any humanitarian reason for it. Furthermore, the comment above about “and ugly as it was” has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the Black Lives Matter movements’ proposal document.

I would hope to think that every American — regardless of color, race, gender or societal standing would have already read the appropriate particulars (like anything in the form of Black history) to understand that what was done to that peculiar institution was Liarsabhorrently wrong.

Much the way I feel that Barack Obama’s handling of welfare reform — yes, regardless of data with regards to education and the Head Start disaster, he nonetheless over appropriated the amount and easiness for anyone to collect food stamps.

Which ties into the thesis of this article perfectly. Looking back through recorded time and history most blacks were brought to this country from Africa. Of course, this process lasted until those places where colonies of blacks were either being held, bought and sold or were being held captive in, were finally of age to bring them to the Southern plantations.

So inasmuch as illegal immigrants are concerned which the Pew Charitable Trust believes is holding around 11.8 million people; however, for the sake of an acute examination we believe it is fair to count the number of refugees and those who are seeking asylum from other nations as well are but the prologue to the next peculiar institution?

If one were to look at the depressed wages, or the lack of driver’s licenses, or utilizing proper documentation for the effective showing who, from where and what they are doing in this country.

scalesAt its utmost frailty, it does look as though the Democrat Party is enhancing a different prospective of the  peculiar institution. The biggest difference that is occurring at the present time — and some may debate and/or argue the difference of time, place and infringements done to the individuals really is an awkward point. However, looking at the true consideration as it now stands — we ask for your consideration and brain power:

  • It is ostensibly certain that illegal aliens will find some kind of government housing.
  • As well as some kind of work; it is of paramount importance that one realizes:
  • That there will always be a program (entitlement?) that will enhance someone to come:
  • Albeit, health care, unemployment, welfare, job corps, or aid to families with dependents:
  • In daycare, pregnancy leaves, new-born status care and the hope of citizenship
  • The Democrat Party will always have or find a way to accommodate anyone they can use.

Therefore, if anyone cares to read the first page of The Contemplative Thinker, there exist at least ten articles that will prove the point we are making.


Please everyone who reads this post, please fire a letter, email, or fax to Roger Goodell


Are we being Sold Out?

Before we all make tremendous fools out of ourselves, let’s look with interest like the privileged sophisticated people we are and with just a little perseverance we may find out the matters to every one of our questions.

Please let us all be responsible people — unlike those St. Louis Rams individuals who took a NFL field in protest with their hands fully raised up, or anything like Messrs. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others during the Trayvon Martin investigation or taking it back a bit further, those same men at the Duke University La Cross team fiasco, that ended up costing a District Attorney his license to practice law, not to mention his job.

People when we all want something and I sure do, then let’s take the time to prepare for what it is we may find out. Example: As in the paragraph above I mentioned – unlike those St. Louis Rams individuals who took a NFL field in protest over the untimely and significantly unfortunate death of Michael Brown.

Currently I am asking Roger Goodell the Superintendent in charge of the NFL how and why is it that these individuals can be such a bad influence on the community at large; moreover, with millions of fans watching them they script a hogwash message and nothing was said. I am certain that the Black Lives Matter organization has something to say about this fiasco of an incident.

Now if you don’t mind why such a hard unrelenting penalty against a man who can prove, as he has done so many times over that he did not do anything to the footballs during the AFC Championship game between the New England Patriots and the Indianapolis Colts?

As for my integrity (take a queue Roger Goodell) how can a man be convicted, fined, and be faced with millions in legal fees – now that only happens inside of Washington DC, right Hillary Clinton?

I need to say this — it certainly seems as though everyone has got a mouth; rather, they use their mouths to further show what huge asses they and their big mouths are.
Please everyone who reads this post, please fire a letter, email, or fax to Roger Goodell the guy only made like $43 million last year and for what?

Arden V

Responsible People wait on Evidence

Responsible People wait on Evidence

lighted crossOkay, okay now — Let’s not all get bent and twisted with regards to these two apparent shots fired by the St. Paul, MN police officers and the Baton Rouge, LA police officers until we know the legitimate facts that will be found out.

What I am trying to espouse here is that there may be far more that has happened and I am just suggesting that we try to be accountable citizens regarding the facts as they emerge.

Please let us all be responsible people — unlike those St. Louis Rams individuals who took a NFL field in protest with their hands fully raised up, or anything like Messrs. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others during the Trayvon Martin investigation or taking it back a bit further, those same men at the Duke University La Cross team fiasco, that ended up costing a District Attorney his license to practice law, not to mention his job.

Recognizing the extreme fortune of a well pronounced investigation, let’s not jump to conclusions as did the Rams players, Beyonce, the USAG Loretta Lynch, as well as former USAG Eric Holder did before her in re: Michael Brown’s case. And now just as he proclaimed that Trayvon Martin is what his son would look like, President Barack Hussein Obama has gotten involved from the White House via Poland!

I am a civil rights movement participant just as Diana was, whereby “she was part of the Kingcivil rights movement that protested against discrimination” according to a BBC reporter, in St. Paul MN.

In St. Paul, Philando Castile’s death appears to be equally as difficult to jump to a simple conclusion.

The same with Alton Sterling, a 37-year-old father of five, was killed on Tuesday at a Baton Rouge LA convenience store.

First let’s have a look at confiscated evidence in the two cases. Philando Castile was involved in a traffic stop for a broken tail light. It was only after:

Philando Castile informed the officers on scene that he had a Concealed Carry permit and was in possession of a gun that the officers stated to him to stop looking for his license and registration when apparently Castile produced a gun and was hot in the arm.

In the matter of Alton Sterling, everyone should be advised that the police officers were responding to a Dispatcher’s directive stating, A man had been harassing a child with a gun prior to the complainant calling the police. As the police responded they told Mr. Sterling not to go into his pants (pockets) and while he Sterling was fiddling around in his trousers,

Police wrestled Sterling to the ground. However it has been reported that a witness said, “he saw officers take a gun from Mr. Sterling’s pocket after the shooting,” but police have not commented on this.

Unlike others albeit celebrities, other make-shift law enforcement officers, civil rights clans-people or professional athletes or lying politicians let’s be the responsible one’s. Let’s wait until the investigations are thoroughly complete before we make a sound.

Arden V

A twice-deported undocumented immigrant fights to stay with his family in the U.S.

A twice-deported undocumented immigrant fights to stay with his family in the U.S.

2eagle Angel Farias’ wife, two children and five siblings were born here in the United States. His mother and two other siblings are naturalized citizens. Angel came here in 1985 at age 7.

Like many undocumented immigrants, Angel’s family is a hodge-podge of those who have papers and those who don’t. And even Obama’s proposed Executive Order wouldn’t change his status: Angel has been deported twice.

Both times, he walked across the Sonoran desert with a backpack of food and water so that he could return to his family. Just a bit more illegal behavior that supports that Mr. Farias is not the kind of immigrant that the U.S. is interested in. After first deportation Mr. Farias is supposed to be suspended for ten (10) years on re-entering the U.S.A.

Angel’s family migrated from Michoacán to Washington’s Yakima Valley, where he and his siblings often skipped school to help their parents harvest cherries and asparagus. After 30 years in Yakima, Angel was able to start his own business as a house painter. He talks and eats like an American. His son speaks better English than Spanish. Yakima is all he’s ever known.

But U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents came and found him. The last time was in 2014. He appealed his deportation, so he spent 14 months in the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, where he led a hunger strike and spent weeks in solitary confinement.

His detention impacted the Farias family’s fortunes drastically. Angel was the undocumented breadwinner for a family of American citizens (by default). While he was away, they lost their house to foreclosure, and their credit was ruined. Unable to pay bills, Angel’s wife struggled day-to-day to put food on the table.

By the time he was released on bond, Angel’s father had passed away and his wife had been diagnosed with colon cancer.

Many undocumented immigrants are like Farias – they’ve been in the country for decades, have U.S.-born children but are barred from any path to legal status.

Angel’s first deportation order was for a misdemeanor arrest on charges that were later dropped. The next two were for returning to the U.S. illegally.

Angel’s history bars him from obtaining family visas and, while he has relatives in Mexico with ties to violent crime, it also makes it highly unlikely he’ll be granted asylum here.

His life provides a glimpse on the emotional and financial impact that deportations and detentions can have on one American family.

No! My heart is not crying for Mr. Farias or any member of his family. His wife, five siblings and two children were born American citizens. Hey Congress — it’s time to get real with the Citizenship Clause in the 14th Amendment!

Moreover, we find it very difficult to believe that someone here since 1985 would be having difficulty finding a way to at least be granted Green card status.

Arden V

What is America Being Made Into..?

What is America Being Made Into..?

MV5BOTA2NjI3ODExNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjU3OTE5MDE@__V1_UY190_CR8,0,128,190_AL_Interestingly we have all watched the horror movies since the beginning of our very lives! When was the last time you or anyone you know gone to the Internet Movie Database (imdb) and if only for a moment just looked into the Horror Section?

It is even more phenomenal for me to look at the particular actors and actresses and seen what their real accomplishments have been say, into the Arts, Business, Social Sciences, and Medicine.

The point that is trying to be made here is that Boris Karloff, Betty Davis, Robert England, Lon Chaney, Bela Lugosi and Vincent Price, are recognized as one of the true icons of horror cinema, and the actor most closely identified with the general public’s perception of the “monster” from the classic Mary Shelley book, “Frankenstein” is Boris Karloff.
The irony about these thespians is that they lived almost dual lives. Most of them achieved high statuses in other fields.

It is also quite well-known that many of today’s stars or celebrities got their original startsMV5BMzc3NjEwNTM1MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDU2NzI5NA@@__V1_UX128_CR0,0,128,190_AL_ in some form of horror or thriller film.

I know that there have been extremely bizarre debates as well as arguments that deal with the film’s rating which as I’m sure you are aware of that the more blood, female skin, graphics, and the like, the more the film must be edited to receive a “good housekeeping” rating.

This genre of film works tremendously in the United States. For reasons that are unbeknownst to me since many of the characters, stories, and scenes come from different cultures living mostly in Europe.

So what does all of this have to do with the U.S.A. and what the country is being made into? Actually, or for the most part, nothing. For anyone that argues I would say that the slasher films or horror films are definitely part of the American culture.

Actually what concerns me is that the USA is a Judeo-Christian based culture; I know that there are some that would love to argue this point — but so, so sorry. There is no argument.

MV5BMTM3NjA1NDMyMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDQzNDMzOQ@@__V1_UY190_CR0,0,128,190_AL_People say that there are difficulties with guns — is it guns or is it people? Same thing with crime. Speaking of incarceration and the disparities’ that seem too lopsided and I will argue that people are either not looking at the truth or, our system of laws is being too manipulated or, legislation is certainly in the wrong hands. Why should we as a nation, leave the sentencing criteria up to the House or Senate or both? These people do not know sentencing because they are rich and privileged.

Finally if the law states that for a “Third Conviction” a person gets life imprisonment, then anyone disputing that claim should not call for a change in sentencing guidelines (that’s discrimination!) but rather should be challenging the guidelines. One way or another it is always going to come back to the person who committed the crime. Guns, drugs, murder, etc., if the penalty is strong enough without exceptions then the crimes will drop like bricks.


When one thinks of the mainstream media

images (21)When one thinks of the mainstream media in our country it is laughable how many times these alleged “writers, journalists, commentators, news anchors, people of high notoriety and those again with lower values deliberately defraud anyone and everyone who reads, listens, or watches their stories.

It would take much to sit here and write out the false claims that many of these huge name — Dan Rather, Brian Williams, and others — who have misreported stories for their own publicity and certainly for their own financial gain.

Yet, let us look at some of these people and how they have deliberately misreported even what an aspiring person has said — in other words, taken people, positions, and what they’ve held and through laziness and doing a shotty job of not re-listening to an original tape, or even a video, or for whose sake take quality notes especially when one is going to quote someone else.

Recently a reporter completely took what Mr. Donald Trump spoke about and rather than redoing anything, created an extreme load of excrement and before those who have business with Mr. Trump had complied by doing their due-diligence have in the opinion of this writer, become worse for not having done their jobs.

ms13tatoosTrump deplored immigrants from Mexico who “have lots of problems” and are “bringing those problems to us.”

“They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists,” he said, adding, “and some, I assume, are good people.”

Jorge Ramos, a prominent Univision host, called Trump’s remarks “absurd” and “prejudiced.” But is there any truth about what he is saying?

“At Univision, we see first-hand the work ethic, love for family, strong religious values and the important role Mexican immigrants and Mexican-Americans have had and will continue to have in building the future of our country,” the company said. Again is there any truth to the matter? Of course there is…

There are two lines of text transcribed from the original article at the Washington Post that Mr. Trump proffered, and four plus lines of text (same article) from the prominent Univision host proffered by Jorge Ramos.

However and most importantly — did anyone read, “truth about the matter? Of course there is… Trump is basically using his freedom of speech rights in stating, “deplored immigrants from Mexico ” so other than speaking the gospel truth about his observations what has Mr. Trump done that is wrong.

It absolutely chills me of late (since Washington inside the beltway crowd started it) at how people are demanding apologies2011-04-29 20.25.06 from people who are telling the truth. Did you know that your President Barack Obama, released in one day over 36,000 felony committed criminals from prisons around the nation? Let me think about this one, do you think that maybe out of 36,000 prisoners released, that just maybe some of them had  “have lots of problems” and are “bringing those problems to us.” “They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists:” even the reporter from the Washington Post eluded to the “truth to the matter, of course there is…”

Okay I have been able to write the entire truth. But I would be being very remiss if I did not duly warn our reader’s that as long as you are putting up with a former Secretary of State (Hillary Clinton) not telling the truth to otherwise evidence of facts of her lying and misrepresenting the truth, or continue to allow your President Barack Obama to break Constitutional law on a whim because…”he can” focus on the issues people.

A federal judge in Texas

A federal judge in Texas has threatened to hold Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and other top immigration Gavel resizedenforcement officials in contempt of court for not fixing problems that led to work permits being mistakenly awarded under President Barack Obama’s executive immigration action after the judge had put the plan on hold.

The Justice Department had said about 2,000 individuals had been sent three-year work authorizations after U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen in Brownsville, Texas, temporarily blocked the immigration action on Feb. 16.

In a court order Tuesday, Hanen said government officials have yet to fix the problem. The judge also requested Johnson and four other officials attend an Aug. 19 hearing to explain why the issue hasn’t been fixed and to “be prepared to show why he or she should not be held in contempt of court.”

“This court has expressed its willingness to believe that these actions were accidental and not done purposefully to violate this court’s order. Nevertheless, it is shocked and surprised at the cavalier attitude the government has taken with regard to its ‘efforts’ to rectify this situation,” Hanen wrote.

The other officials are: R. Gil Kerlikowske, commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection; Ronald Vitiello, deputy chief of the U.S. Border Patrol; Sarah Saldaña, director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; and Leon Rodriguez, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

dhs sealHomeland Security spokeswoman Marsha Catron said in an email her agency and the Justice Department are reviewing Hanen’s order. Justice Department spokesman Patrick Rodenbush declined to comment.

In court documents filed in May, Rodríguez had said his agency had implemented “immediate corrective measures,” including revoking the permits and modifying computer systems to prevent issuing such permits in the future.

Hanen said in his order that if the federal government fixes the problem by July 31, he will cancel the Aug. 19 hearing.

Obama proposed in November expanding a program that protects young immigrants from deportation if they were brought to the U.S. illegally as children and adding another that extends deportation protections to parents of U.S. citizens and permanent residents who have been in the country for some years.

He said lack of action by Congress forced him to make sweeping changes to immigration rules on his own, but Republicans said Obama overstepped his authority. (Typical!)

The judge had issued the injunction at the request of a coalition of 26 states, led by Texas, which have filed a lawsuit to stop Obama’s action, saying it is unconstitutional. An appeal of Hanen’s ruling is set to be argued Friday before the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans.

Hanen has previously criticized the federal government’s actions in the lawsuit, saying the government had been “misleading” after officials revealed that more than 108,000 people had already received three-year reprieves from deportation as well as work permits when the judge had believed that no action would be taken before he issued a ruling on the injunction.

Justice Department attorneys apologized for any confusion regarding the 108,000 reprieves but insisted they were granted under a 2012 program that wasn’t affected by the injunction.

So which is it — on the one part we have a decent judge doing his job for the people; yet, on the other hand we have the Justice Department changing, altering, and furthermore making up rules and laws to deflect this judge’s intentions. This kind of activity by the Justice Department has been going on for years — accordingly it was once upheld because of the famous “Hoover ruling.” However, the bad news now is that there is evidence that every department in the US Federal government is sliding in one way or another.

Allow me please, why do you think the nation has been hit with so many “cyber-attacks” in recent weeks and months? When the group of cyber-attackers gets a whiff that a nation’s National Security Agency is checking and datamining sensitive material; moreover, when the group of cyber-attackers gets certified means that the former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, did not tell the truth regarding her independent servers were nestled in her home somehow doing “charitable work” when in reality she is breaking United States law, breaching everything from National security, opening up highways of encrypted data sources, top secret information, to any predator or largest bidder involved. What do you think is going on?

And now primarily because of these actions, the largest data-mining companies such as Google, Twitter, Facebook, and all the rest are setting their feet down with the Washington elite — or Washington’s white collar criminals.

Along with Texas, the states seeking to block Obama’s action are: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin
